Marty O'Donnell verrät das ursprüngliche Halo 2 Ende!


Halo: Reach

Mit dem Ende von Halo 2 fing auch gleichzeitig einer der größten Cliffhanger in der Spielebranche an und das sollte eigentlich so gar nicht passieren. Ursprünglich sollte es viel sauberes und befriedigenders Ende geben und es nicht mit dem ikonischen Satz "Sir. Finishing this fight!" enden lassen. Nachfolgend könnt ihr die Details nachlesen:

In einem Interview mit IGN verrät Marty, dass der Master Chief ursprünglich die Arche auf der Erde findet und auf dieser den Propheten der Wahrheit mithilfe des Gebieters, welcher zu dem Zeitpunkt noch Dervish hieß, jagt und aufhält. Es sollte also alles auf der Erde enden.

Die orginale Arche ist sogar noch in Halo 3 finden und zwar handelt es sich um das Portal, welches zur "richtigen" Arche führt. Hier noch mal eine kleine Erinnerungsstütze:

Laut ihm hätte sich das Team dieses glorreiche Ende gewünscht, aber der Zeitdruck machte Bungie einen Strich durch die Rechnung. So war für ihn und dem Rest des Teams die Enttäuschung sehr groß, dass sie das ganze Ende noch mal abändern mussten. Zumal schon die ursprünglichen Audiospuren mit den Darstellern aufgenommen wurden.

PS: Haloorbit wünscht euch allen frohe Ostern!

    Zum Artikel auf der HaloOrbit Hauptseite

    Komisch, das habe ich vor kurzem doch irgendwo gelesen, aber ich weiß gar nicht mehr wo..

    Ebenfalls frohe Ostern!

    Und ich wünsche mir einfach nur, dass Marty wieder zu i343 kommt und einen Halo OST beisteuert ):
    Hm, ich dachte Staten ist der Story Ideen Geber immer gewesen. Marty ist der geniale Musiker.
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    Die Henne oder das Ei?


    Allein wegen solchen Persönlichkeiten vermisse ich schon die "alten Zeiten". -.-

    Na, letztlich hat H3 dem ganzen aber ein besseres Ende gegeben muss ich sagen.
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    Frohe Ostern allerseits. Irgendwie verstehen ich den Zusammenhang zwischen, Henne und Ei nicht und O Donneld und Staten. Der eine ist Musiker und der andere hat doch die Story für Bungie erfunden!? Bitte diesmal um eine aufschlussreiche Antwort. Danke und schöne Feiertage.
    Hehe, es tappt mal wieder im Dunkeln. ^^

    Marty und Staten waren DAS Anti-Paar Bungie's. Der eine war für die Henne und der andere fürs Ei in der ewigen Diskussion was vorher war.
    Besonders Staten stachelte immer mal wieder und eines Tages wurde Marty's Ei auf einem/dem Whiteboard im Studio entfernt.
    Das sorgte für Furore im Spasse.

    Es gibt da ja auch diese wunderbare Geschichte, "Abenteuer des O'Donnell".
    Ist eine uralte Sache und nur auf englisch zu genießen.

    Adventures Of: The O'Donnell

    8am: I awake to the bright sunshine beaming in from the window that Chumley, our manservant, opens every morning. He fetches my robe and slippers and of course, a jaunty cravat and helps me into them. We make our way to the East Wing kitchen for a spot of breakfast. Caviar spread over toast sprinkled with tiny, melt-in-one's mouth, one karat diamonds.

    10am: Chumley pulls the Rolls up to Bungie Studios' front door and Jerome lets me out. I casually slip him a shiny farthing, or perhaps a sovereign, should the weather be clement. I grease his palm and he attaches, "ATTN: Marty O'Donnell" to each piece of Bungie fan mail. As I stroll into the office the developers part before me, bowing to my superior individual talent. I enter my office with purpose, ready for yet another productive day.

    11am: I finish my third cup of coffee for the morning and eat all of my blue M&Ms. I play the latest build of Halo 3 campaign for a while to keep myself entertained. After a while I get bored of it and join some system link games under the name, "bentllama." I throw various grenades at the developers who are testing things until they finally get tired of my presence and start up a new game.

    12pm: Chumley brings the car around to pick me up for my luncheon outing. We go a tenth of a mile down the road to a small Italian eatery where I request my usual corner booth complete with a 2 table buffer, minimum, from the rest of the crowd. I order two veal parmigiana entrées, the second is just to stick it to the vegetarians.

    2pm: I return from lunch long after the other developers so as to minimize any unwanted contact with them. Once I'm back in my studio (The Ivory Tower) I try to concoct new ways to seem busy until I actually need to compose music. I get on the phone to the makers of my sound board. The Vegas button that makes all the lights flash and buttons move is all well and good, but it's too obvious and they need to make a sequence that looks more like actual work.

    3pm: I get bored and make my rounds about the office. I head to the writers' corner to speak with the four most important men in the office. On my way there, I pass by Ninja 0n Fire, humming the Halo theme. His rhythm is imperfect, at best, and his pitch leaves much to be desired. I carefully select the Xbox Dev Kit with the largest hard drive from his testing station and strike his blindside with it. I continue on to the writers' area and share some of my views on current events with them.

    4pm: With Ninja sufficiently bloodied and my patience with the writers grows thin, I move on to the designers. Naturally I'm drawn to Noguchi, as his rage has reached such a level that its mass has a compelling gravitational pull. I make note of the state of his desk, comment on the pretty colors that his code has and whatever else I can think of to distract him. Eventually, Noguchi's frustration rises to such a level that he gets up, walks over to Bob and pokes him in the eye. Two blunt traumas in two hours, a successful day to say the least.

    6pm: Food arrives for the guys who're going to put in a long night of work. I go through the meals and find Jay Weinland's. I replace the patty in his hamburger with an equally thick stack of paper that I spent the better part of the past two hours cutting out, fraying and coloring with brown magic marker. That'll teach him to doubt my cowbell measurements. More is not the new less, Jay.

    7pm: I depart for Chateau O'Donnell, satisfied with a full day's work. Chumley has prepared a five course meal, I'm still full from stealing Jay's food but I don't want to see it wasted, so I make Chumley eat all of it for being so presumptuous. After he's done I decide to retire to my study for the night, where I sit amongst my many leather-bound tomes to ponder my next move. All in all, another splendid day.

    Achso und Bungie's Geburtstagswünsche darf man auch nicht vergessen. ^^

    The Origin of Marty O'Donnell: A Birthday Story

    Marty O'Donnell, Bungie Maestro and leader of the Glorious Honorable Marty Army, turns 107 years old tomorrow!
    Born in a time of cholera, scurvy and spastic dysentery, Marty O'Donnell had a hardscrabble childhood in an Irish mining town, where as an orphaned guttersnipe, he would make money by roasting gassed canaries and serving them, rotisserie-style, to hungry miners.
    But Marty needed to escape the grime, soot and poverty, he had a higher calling. On a harmonica he fashioned himself, from the rotten teeth of a crushed Dublin mineshaft-waxer, Marty blew his way to freedom. Dancing a jig outside of a Limerick pub every night through hail, rain, snow and the occasional goosing, young Marty earned enough for a sixth class passage on the steam liner "Albatross." Nailed to the propeller shaft to save on luxury tax, Marty rotated across the Atlantic, blowing his yellowed Harmonica, barely audible above the thundering rhythm of the propellers. But blow he did, and the foundations upon which he would later compose, were laid in axle grease, stench and vomit.
    Marty found himself at Ellis Island, with only one penny to rub together. He earned enough cash to spend a week stapled to the frozen roof of a Bronx flophouse, by selling his own scabs to prostitutes who would use them as fake lips. But Marty composed all the while. Often, he would walk by the new York Philharmonic, a tiny pale rapscallion, dwarfed among the fur and finery of New York's elite. But a break was to come. Shivering in an alley behind the imposing concert hall, Marty was soaked in a frozen deluge of saliva, as the brass instrument cleaner dumped the evening's spittle collection.
    "What you doing out there in the cold son? Come in here where it's warm, and start swabbing these trombones. I'll give you a shiny new kick in the arse for every instrument you clean."
    Marty worked his way up the ranks, from spit-swabber to bow-bender, to drum-tightener to loafer-lightener. Eventually, it came to the notice of Sir Edward Carney-Hands, the maestro and conductor of the 1908 New York Philharmonic, that Marty could hold a tune. He took the now-teenage Marty under his wing, or more accurately, into his Manhattan basement.
    When Marty limped into daylight many years later, he was a man, of sorts. A stout young fellow with an education from both the school of hard knocks, and the New York high School for the Performing Arts. And an MD from the Hollywood Upstairs School of Medicine. He had arrived. And one sunny afternoon, just before the great Wall Street Crash, Marty met this group of monks… Birthday Greetings to Marty, from Bungie, with Love.

    Quellen ging im Ozean der Zeit verloren. Fragts Orakel!
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    Orakle, du bist mein Lieblings Osterei. ;) und Habor ist mein Lieblings Osterhase. :p
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