Alles falsch mit Infinite

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Maximus XII

Halo 2
- Performance is bad
- Netcode is bad
- Desync issues
- Openworld campaign is generic and bland
- Openworld is boring, only 1 biome, rocks and trees
- One single H3 mission had more variety than all of Infinites campaign in terms of visuals and gameplay
- Friendly AI (marines) is worse than all OG Halo
- Campaign is overpriced
- Story is bad
- No mission select/replay option
- No flood
- No ODSTs
- No big battles (like scarab fight)
- Marines can't ride on the sides of the Scorpion Tank like all OG Halo
- Marines to stupid to drive
- Needs more maps
- Needs better maps
- Power Weapons are poorly placed on maps
- Maps have bad sightlines
- Maps lack power positions (example: H2 Lockout Snipe tower / BR Tower)
- All the Maps play and look very similar
- Maps lack iconic positions / epic plays (examples: H2 Ascension jump down to rockets; H3 Highground driving the mongoose to camo/rockets, H3 Orbital 2 player mongoose powerlaunch into rockets, etc.)
- HUD design is wrong, all information displayed at the bottom is bad and not Halo
- Customization/Shop is overprized
- Armor coatings are bad and are not Halo
- F2P customization and progression is basically non existant
- Challenges are bad
- No XP for Kills, Assists, Medals, Winning
- 24 Player Cap in 2022 is underwhelming
- Matchmaking system is badly designed
- Hidden MMR affects and is affected by Socials and Bot playlists
- Hidden MMR is bad
- 343's Anticheat is bad
- No player collision with teammates like all OG Halo
- Motion tracker is 9 meters only instead of 25m like all OG Halo
- Random vehicle spawn drops is not Halo and not balanced
- Vehicle balancing and handeling is off and not Halo
- Banshee hp values are to low
- Banshee backflip is off and basically useless now (moves the model forward instead of backwards like all OG Halo)
- Chopper does not oneshot vehicles when boosted like all OG Halo
- Plasmapistol does not emp vehicles like all OG Halo
- "Enhanced" movement, sprint, clamber, slide is not Halo
- "Enhanced" movement is a lie
- Permanently sprint slide jumping arround the Map is not Halo
- Gameplay does not feel like Halo
- Gunplay is off
- Mouse and Keyboard versus Controller is not balanced
- No red reticle
- Needs more playlists
- Needs more iconic game modes
- Menus are poorly designed
- Menus are buggy and laggy
- No playable Elites
- No Forge
- No Co-op
- No Theater profile showcase like Halo 3
- Theater is buggy
- No Custom games browser
- Custom games are buggy
- No ingame service records
- No pregame lobbies
- No postgame lobbies
- No map voting
- No Firefight
- 343 communication to players is bad
- 343 operating at snail speed
- 343 heavily outsourcing developement
- Season 2 was underwhelming
- Droppods are underwhelming
- Delays, Delays, Delays (last minute to fool the community into hope)
- Playercount is abysmal, the game is dead

kleine Liste mit Dingen dir mir aufstoßen
Das hättest du glaube ich einfach in den entsprechenden Halo Infinite Thread posten können, aber ich respektiere dein Commitment, dich aufgrund des katastrophalen Zustands des Spiels hier anzumelden um das loszuwerden :D
Genau den gleichen Beitrag hast du schon mal gepostet und dafür eine Sperre erhalten mit dem Hinweis, dass so ganz ohne Vorstellung und völlig ohne Eingliederung in andere Topics so ein Negativ-Topic aufmachen einfach nicht zum Umgangston im Forum gehören. Und dann einfach Englisches Copy & Paste.

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